DiArY AcHoNK -----------> nOthInG tO LoSe

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How can I download and install Spyware Doctor?

  1. Click the green download button below to start the download.

  2. When the File Download dialog box appears click the 'Run' button.

  3. Wait for the file to completely download.
  4. When the download completes, your browser may show a Security Warning prior to running the program. Confirm the publisher is PC Tools and then click 'Run' to continue the installation.

  5. You may be asked to close some application on your PC that may affect the installation and you will be then be shown the installer window below. Click 'Next' to continue the installation.

  6. You will then be shown the License Agreement. After reading the agreement, click the 'I accept the agreement' option to accept its terms and click 'Next' to continue with the installation.

  7. You will then be asked the location to install Spyware Doctor, the default option is usually correct and simply click 'Next' to continue.

  8. You may change the default options on the next screen, but in most circumstances these are appropriate, and you can click 'Install' to begin installing Spyware Doctor.

  9. Now that you have given the installer all of the information it needs to proceed, progress boxes track the installation process.
  10. During the installation process you need to have Internet connection for the program to download the latest definitions.

  11. Finally you will be shown the 'Thank you for installing Spyware Doctor' page, click 'Finish' to complete the installation of Spyware Doctor.


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